frequently asked questions about Personal injury accidents
Pomponio injury law’s guide to your las vegas accidents
Frequently asked questions in Personal injury accidents
Pomponio injury law’s guide to your las vegas accidents
A hit and run car accident is a serious offense, regardless of whether or not the victim suffers physical injury. In Las Vegas, an increasing number of incidents involving hit and run accidents has raised questions about the risk posed by uninsured drivers.
For victims, the consequences can be emotionally and financially devastating, while the guilty party may face criminal charges and legal consequences. In this article, we will explore the prevalence of hit and run car accidents in Las Vegas, the challenges posed by uninsured drivers, and the importance of seeking legal advice from a professional firm like Pomponio Injury Law.
I do not have health insurance. How will I pay for my medical bills?
Do not let the lack of health insurance prevent you from seeking the necessary medical treatment. When you retain the services of an attorney, many medical providers will allow you to treat on a lien (meaning your medical bills will be paid upon the settlement of your case).
Thus, you must contact Pomponio Injury Law as soon as possible so that we may assist you in seeing the proper medical providers. Also, you must seek medical attention as quickly as possible to avoid any issues with the insurance companies who may attempt to claim that you were never injured in your accident since you did not seek medical attention.
A lot of clients think they have full coverage. But do they REALLY?
In reality, “full coverage” may mean you have the bare minimum coverage required to get your vehicle on the road.
Adding more coverage will benefit YOU in the long run in the event you are at-fault for an accident, even though your auto insurance premiums will increase.
What’s most important when choosing your policy is making sure you have sufficient coverage that property protects YOU.
YES, you absolutely need an attorney when you are involved in an accident.
It is even completely normal to call an attorney (emphasize AT) at the accident scene.
I may be able to provide immediate guidance for your situation. If calling while at an active scene is not an option, call as soon as you can.
Following an accident, it’s easy to panic, and third-party legal guidance can be invaluable in those early moments.
Remember, each day that goes by without proper representation means that your potential case could suffer.
Avoid delays to get the representation you deserve!
Yes. If you are unhappy with your current representation, you can change to another law firm. In doing so, nothing negative will occur. For example, you will not have to pay two law firms.
The law firms will share the attorney fees between each other. Meaning, the attorney fees are the same regardless if you had one attorney or ten. At the end of the day, you should feel comfortable with your attorney and know they are actively working on your case. If you are unsatisfied elsewhere, contact Pomponio Injury Law today to get the representation you deserve!
This situation is very common and because of that, the insurance company needs to make sure the adjusters handling the case, are different. You always want to hire an attorney,especially when the same insurance company represents both you and the other driver.
While the assigned adjusters are supposed to evaluate the claim separately, that does not mean that actually occurs.At Pomponio Injury Law, we make sure that the process is transparent and benefits you as our client. The insurance companies, even your own are not on your side.At the end of the day, it is a business.The less money they have to pay you, the better for them.
We do not believe there is an equation or formula that will tell you if you hired a “good law firm.” At the end of the day, we think the client needs to be confident that their attorney has their best interests in mind and is diligently working on their case. You would want to hire an attorney who will actually be working on your case and not simply passing your paperwork over to a colleague or assistant. Normally, the name on the letterhead or the building has no idea who you are, has never spoken to you, and is certainly not working on your case.
At Pomponio Injury Law however, Nick oversees all of our clients’ cases from beginning to end. Give Pomponio Injury Law a call today and let us provide you with the representation you deserve!
Typically, at least in Nevada and California, you have two years to make a claim. However, you always want to retain the services of an attorney right away… the sooner the better.
There are a lot of moving parts after an accident occurs and it can be very confusing and stressful.
You want someone to handle everything for you, and guide you through the entire process. At Pomponio Injury Law, we do just that. We handle everything for our clients and let them focus on feeling better. We will handle the rest.
There is no set timeframe to seek out medical attention. However, if you are injured, you would want to get medical attention as soon as possible. Sometimes however, people do not have health insurance and cannot pay out of pocket for medical treatment. Other times, someone may have health insurance, but their doctor cannot see them for 2-3 weeks.
This is why it is important to contact Pomponio Injury Law as soon as an accident occurs, so that we may assist in getting you to the proper medical providers, even if you have no health insurance. The insurance companies look for any excuse to not compensate you. They do not care if your doctor couldn’t get you in for 3 weeks; they will simply claim that you must not have been injured since you did not go to the doctor until a month after the accident.
We don’t believe there is an equation or formula that will tell you if you hired a “good law firm.” At the end of the day, the client needs to be confident that their attorney has their best interests in mind and is diligently working on their case.
You want to hire an attorney who will actually be working on your case and not simply passing you over to a colleague or assistant. Normally, the name on the letterhead or the building has no idea who you are, has never spoken to you, and is certainly not working on your case. At Pomponio Injury Law however, Nick oversees all of our clients’ cases from beginning to end. It’s a lot more work on his end, but the results are a lot better for our clients and we are happy to go the extra mile for them. Give us a call today and let us provide you with the representation you deserve!
No. However, it is always a good idea, especially if the accident details are not clear or if the other individual may dispute liability.
For example, if you are sitting at a red light and are rear-ended, the need to call the police may not be as crucial when compared to an accident where two people are disputing who ran a stop sign. Regardless if police are called or not, you will want to take pictures of the vehicles involved, the accident scene, as well as the other driver’s ID and auto insurance information.
Unfortunately, not every attorney wants to put the time and effort needed to take on a specific case. Instead, they may tell you its not worth pursuing or that you do not have a case altogether. If this occurs to you, still feel free to give Pomponio Injury Law a call.
We have represented many clients over the years who were turned away from other law firms. Many times, facts were overlooked by the other attorney or not even looked at at all. We have even heard of attorneys not taking a case because the potential case value was minimal. At the end of the day, we take pride in assisting all of our clients to the best of our ability – regardless if their case is worth $1,000,000.00 or only $10,000.00. At Pomponio Injury Law we are here to assist – give me us call today!
If the only time you have seen your attorney is on a billboard or a commercial, it may be a sign that your case is not getting the attention it deserves.
While we have a great staff that assists with all of our clients’ cases, Nick Pomponio personally oversees every case. It is a lot of work on his end, but he is happy to go the extra mile for our clients. If you are unable to speak with your attorney or get straight answers from their staff, you may want to seek out proper representation at Pomponio Injury Law. We have clients come to our office all the time from other law offices, and it is typically a night and day difference once they make the change. We pride ourselves in treating each of our clients as if they are the only client and want the best for them. A lot of other law offices cannot say the same.
Contact Pomponio Injury Law today and get the representation you deserve!
When it is raining out, driving in general can become more dangerous.
Here are some tips that may help you arrive safely to your destination: (1) turn on your headlights to see and be seen (2) give yourself extra distance between vehicles, (3) reduce your speed, and (4) be on extra alert. Unfortunately, not everyone follows these tips. If you are on the unlucky end of an accident, give me a call right away!
Yes. Just because your injuries are not significant, you are still able to make a claim against the at-fault party. In many cases, it is important to get legal representation right away from Pomponio Injury Law, so we can assist in getting you to see the proper medical providers. If the proper medical treatment is not undertaken from day one, your minor injury could become far worse.
Also, by not getting your injuries properly documented right away, you may be denied compensation from the insurance companies down the road should you begin to feel additional pain at a later date. Moreover, it’s important to note that the insurance companies will not assist you in seeking out the proper medical treatment – so let us at Pomponio Injury Law, help you instead.
Sometimes after an accident, you may feel bad going after the at-fault party for causing the accident. However, you have to understand, nobody is expecting the nice lady who rear-ended you to pay for everything out of pocket.
In reality, we are going after her insurance company in most cases. The insurance companies are the ones paying you once a settlement is reached. So don’t feel bad – the very same nice lady would be doing the same, had you hit her.
When police arrive at an accident scene, they use the statements provided by the parties involved, any witnesses, as well as the accident scene in general to determine who is at fault. However, just because one party is labeled “at-fault” by the police, that does not mean it is necessarily accurate. Even if you were cited at fault and given a ticket, it is still a good idea to give me a call should you feel the officer made a mistake.
Sometimes there is a miscommunication or even a language barrier that does not allow the officer to get the full story. I have had many clients who were cited at fault, but we were still able to recover a settlement for them.
Insurance companies are in the business of making money, not assisting people. After an accident, the insurance companies will often try to resolve the case immediately before an individual is able to retain an attorney. They know the majority of people do not know what is going on when an accident occurs.
They use this inexperience to take advantage of you. While a $2,000.00 offer might seem nice a week after an accident, with the proper representation, I am sure $200,000.00 will seem even nicer. Always retain Pomponio Injury Law after an accident to make sure you aren’t taken advantage of. There is a reason why attorneys have jobs. The insurance companies do not like dealing with us, because we get our clients what they deserve, not what the insurance wants to pay.
When in an accident, you will want to hire an attorney that is licensed in the state, like Nick Pomponio at Pomponio Injury Law. For example, if you are a resident of Arizona but were involved in an accident while visiting Las Vegas, Nevada, you would want to hire an attorney licensed in Nevada.
That attorney will be familiar with the laws of that state and should also be able to assist in getting you to the proper medical providers when you return home. It is also a good idea to reach out to Pomponio Injury Law as soon as possible, so we can advise you on what may need to occur before you return home from your vacation. Remember that Nick Pomponio is Licensed in Nevada and California. Pomponio Injury Law can represent you in accidents claims in both states.
For starters, this is illegal. Secondly, I feel people should hire an attorney they are comfortable with after doing some basic research and meeting with that attorney.
I think it’s best to simply use your common sense and ask yourself if you should trust this random person who magically appeared after an accident like a fairy godmother promising you the world. These people have ulterior motives and could care less about what happens with your case.
If you are in an accident, give Pomponio Injury Law a call. Our reputation and results will speak for themselves.
Every law firm does things differently and while they may take different paths to resolve your case, that does not mean they are doing something wrong. However, a few questions to ask yourself are:
Who did you meet with when you signed up?
Were all of your doctor’s appointments set up?
Is your car being taken care of?
99% of the time, Nick Pomponio meets with every new client, and before they leave the office, their doctor appointments are set up, we have a plan in place for their vehicle, and they are familiar with what the next steps will be moving forward. With personal injury cases, certain things need to happen at certain times and time is of the essence. Meaning, if you feel you do not know what is going on or have little guidance from day one, you may want to switch to Pomponio Injury Law; we can provide you with the proper guidance and the professionalism needed to beat insurance companies at their own game.
You always want to hire Pomponio Injury Law right away. Especially when the same insurance company represents both you and the other driver.
While the assigned adjusters are supposed to evaluate the claim separately, that does not mean that actually occurs. The insurance companies, even your own are not on your side.
At the end of the day, it is a business. The less money they have to pay you, the better for them.
No. While your insurance can raise your premium for many reasons, they cannot do so simply because of your involvement in an accident when you were not at fault. To put it in perspective: if in one year you were involved in 10 different accidents – each wherein you were rear-ended while sitting at a red light. That individual is different when compared to someone else who rear-ended ten different people.
The first person is simply unlucky…the second is a bad driver. Also, in many instances, we are only able to use your insurance if you have certain coverage on your policy. Meaning you pay extra to have said coverage. Your insurance cannot then punish you for using the coverage you paid for
Typically, at least in Nevada and California, you have two years to make a claim. However, you always want to retain the services of Pomponio Injury Law right away; the sooner the better. There are a lot of moving parts after an accident occurs and it can be very confusing and stressful. You want someone to handle everything for you, and guide you through the entire process while you don’t pay a dime out of pocket.
At Pomponio Injury Law, we do just that. We meet with you for a free consultation, we handle everything and let you focus on feeling better. We will handle the rest.
Yes. As a passenger, you are fault free. In many cases, you may even be able to recover from multiple parties. For example, not only would you be able to recover from the at-fault party, but you may also be able to recover from the vehicle you were a passenger in even though they were only partially at fault.
Additionally, you may be able to recover using your personal auto insurance, even though you were not driving your car. The best thing to do is contact Pomponio Injury Law as soon as possible, so we can look at every potential avenue of recovery for you.
Just because you slipped and fell in a store or casino, does not necessarily mean they are always liable for your injuries. However, a few things that you can do to make sure you preserve your potential claim are:
(1) take pictures of the scene/area where the slip and fall occurred, (2) file a report with the store/casino documenting what occurred (ask for a copy), (3) save what you were wearing (such as shoes), (4) seek out medical treatment – be sure to document all of your injures (regardless if it’s a little pain or a lot) and also be sure to let them know how you were injured.
Then you need to call Pomponio Injury Law immediately so we reach out and deal with the proper channels at said establishment.
Yes. Pomponio Injury Law will assist with everything from start to finish. With regards to the property damage claim, we do not take any fees for our assistance. At Pomponio Injury Law we will review your case for free. Both the property damage claim and the injury claim are separate. Because personal injury attorneys are not compensated for assisting with the property damage claim, many attorneys will not get involved, or tell you they will, but actually do not provide much guidance at all.
However, here at Pomponio Injury Law, we are in your corner for the entire process. The property damage portion of your case can take quite some time as the insurance companies are in no rush to help out. However, when we get involved, things tend to move more quickly, getting you back into your vehicle sooner.